
Table of contents

  1. kubernetes-split-yaml
    1. Information
    2. Releases
    3. Installation
    4. Completion
    5. Usage
    6. Links

Split a giant yaml file into one file per Kubernetes resource

This program can be useful in case it’s necessary to split a big Kubernetes yaml manifest files into small ones.

It supports filters using namespaced hierarchy, Kubernetes objects starting with a word or Deployments and StatefulSets types.


Source | Tracker | VCS | QA | Bugs


  • 0.3.0-1 (bookworm )
  • 0.4.0-1 (sid | unstable )

If you are using an unlisted debian version probably that means this package it’s not available.


apt install kubernetes-split-yaml


Completions will be installed for bash, zsh and fish shells.


Simple invocation

kubernetes-split-yaml giant-k8s-file.yaml

Modify / filter output filenames

# Note by default it'll output 0.2.0 non-hierical files
$ kubernetes-split-yaml --help

# Get namespaced hierarchy for output files
$ kubernetes-split-yaml --template_sel tpl_ns --outdir my-clustername/namespaces giant-k8s-file.yaml

# Ditto above, but only for Kubernetes objects starting with "myapp"
$ kubernetes-split-yaml --name_re ^myapp --template_sel tpl_ns --outdir my-clustername/namespaces giant-k8s-file.yaml

# Ditto above, but only for Deployments and StatefulSets
$ kubernetes-split-yaml --kind_re '^(StatefulSet|Deployment)' --name_re ^myapp --template_sel tpl_ns --outdir my-clustername/namespaces giant-k8s-file.yaml