
Table of contents

  1. kubectx
    1. Information
    2. Releases
    3. Installation
    4. Completion
    5. Usage
    6. Examples
    7. Links

This package provides both kubectx and kubens binaries.

  • kubectx is a tool to switch between contexts (clusters) on kubectl faster.
  • kubens is a tool to switch between Kubernetes namespaces (and configure them for kubectl) easily.


Source | Tracker | VCS | QA | Bugs


  • 0.6.2-1 (buster )
  • 0.9.3-1 (bookworm )
  • 0.9.5-2 (sid | unstable )

If you are using an unlisted debian version probably that means this package it’s not available.


apt install kubectx


Both kubectx and kubens support Tab completion on bash/zsh/fish shells to help with long context names. You don’t have to remember full context names anymore.

Completions will be installed for bash, zsh and fish shells.


Here’s a kubectx demo:

And here’s a kubens demo:


# switch to another cluster that's in kubeconfig
$ kubectx minikube
Switched to context "minikube".

# switch back to previous cluster
$ kubectx -
Switched to context "oregon".

# rename context
$ kubectx dublin=gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin
Context "gke_ahmetb_europe-west1-b_dublin" renamed to "dublin".

# change the active namespace on kubectl
$ kubens kube-system
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "kube-system".

# go back to the previous namespace
$ kubens -
Context "test" set.
Active namespace is "default".

If you have fzf installed, you can also interactively select a context or cluster, or fuzzy-search by typing a few characters. To learn more, read interactive mode →